Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Well that was a surprise...

Wow! What an awesome session today. Was really surprised with myself. I thought with only my belly growing and jack on everything else, I would be struggling today. However I blasted through my squats today at 70kg, which is approximately my bodyweight! Hooray for me. I did think i was cheating, the usual barbell wasn't in the rack today, which had knurling in the middle and looked well basically less knackered. Some other guys were using that one, so I was thinking in my head, maybe this is just 15kgs not 20kgs. Thats why i'm thinking i'm a hero today. After I finished my squats I got both of them, side by side. Both same length and size, lifted them up one by one and felt exactly the same. So yes, I was a hero. I love my little world in my head.

"How's your legs?", one of the regular gym goers asked after I finished one set. I laughed and said "Alright now, but after my last set probably need crutches mate!". We all laughed. Even his well built friend, who I swear was working out in his jeans. Nice.

God I hate bench press, why do I feel I suck at it big time. Although I got through the 5 sets, just, still think I'm not even working my chest, just m shoulders and triceps. I don't know, I think i'll carry on until I stall and then ask one of the PT's for a session to check my form.

Barbell rows were explosive, felt a bit on my lower back on some reps, nonetheless happy with the progress. Feels great lifting heavy off the ground. Reading a bit today, learnt I must fully reload after each rep, meaning I must release all tension after the I place the barbell back on the ground. Harder than you think as it doesn't feel natural, but as i'm a weakling comes easy to me!

But this wasn't the end. Oh no sir, no. There were still my 3 sets of dips. For me I dread doing dips, for the only reason because I am terrible at them. I mean seriously bad. Could not even complete 5 let alone a set of 10 reps. I headed to the dip station. Walking past the usual Chinese elderly couple that are doing their awesome exercises. These guys are what you would call couple goals. Without fail they come to the gym in the morning, ride the bike, walk on the treadmill, do ab workout, and the guy, hits the battle ropes, like he's Rocky. What a dude! And then theres me, trembling to push myself up on the dip bars, holding my breath, my face looking like, well thankfully not my sex face, more so my dump of the day face. Wait, what is this, five, six, seven, fuck me, eight, nine, come on you mother, 10. Fuck yes!! Got off, grabbed my drink, took a swag like it was whiskey drink and walked around the room like a lap of victory at the Olympics. Set Two. Ten 10 again. Oh the burn. The secret to bigger arms, get big triceps, do dips. Set Three. Yeah wasn't that guy today, only managed five. I was happy, actually I was ecstatic. Warmed down, did my stretches, smiling. Next time dude, next time! Ciao!

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