Thursday, 28 August 2014

The Routine

So I mentioned in my last post, i decided to go for StrongLifts workout plan - 5x5. So what is it?

5 sets of 5 reps of 5 exercises

Squats, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Barbell Rows, Dead Lift

2 workouts in total, 3 workouts per week, 3 of those exercises per workout - squats in each workout.  So Monday Squats, Bench, Rows. Wednesday Squats, Overhead, Dead Lift. Friday same as Monday, and so on. Thats it. No curls, no tricep extensions, just basic honest foundation building compound exercises.  Here are the workout videos - A and B.

The videos inspired me.

Start off with the empty bar, and each workout adding 2.5kg. Im following this by the letter. Well thats what I said to myself. So the first session came, i went to the gym. Here we go - 6th August.

Oh man!! Power rack was in use, I was impatient, I mean how dare someone use it. I'm all excited eager, let me get jacked already!!!! Fuck it, So i got one of the fixed 20kg barbell which is the same weight as an empty bar. Did my squats - 2 sets of 5. This is piss easy. So i decided to go up in weight. i picked up the 60kg one. Fucking hell was that a mistake! My legs were gone.

Next i should have done bench, but didn't, i went for overhead press instead - basically following workout B, again i did 20kg for 2 sets, then like a dick, i went to 30kg for the next 3. I then tried to do a pull up - didn't happen. I tried then do some chin ups, managed 3. WTF?! But not surprised. Then i did some dips, one. ONE!!

i was fucked. i was gone. DOM's actually got to me IN the gym, within 20 minutes, i have myself to blame. So i went in the changing room, had a shower and went for a swim. Then half hour in the steam room. Pondering on what just happened. After sweating and rubbing my legs, i said to myself, get a grip. All you have to do is follow the program, just do it. Fuck everyone else, just follow it.

And guess what...8th August, i did.

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