Friday, 29 August 2014

Week 1

8th August, two days after my diabolical first day at the gym. I had some pain recovering from DOMs, which if you recall, I managed to achieve a world record of acquiring whilst still in the gym! However I remembered a line - no excuses. With the firm direction of following the plan, i walked back into the gym ready to do this.

First up squat, the power rack was free, awesome. So I did my 2 warm up sets with the empty bar. Now I should have added 2.5kg to the bar, but I added 10kgs. So total weight was 30kgs. I basically went to session 1 in Week 3 as per the plan. Was i going to make same mistake. Time may tell, but I knew how things would go later on with work so decided to bump it a little save some time. I managed to do full 5 sets of 5 reps easily and good form. I was happy.

Next up was the bench press. Along with squats, these are exercises I have never really done before and knew I would be rubbish at, but I had to get all of that out of my head and just do it. So this time I did 5x5 with just the bar. To get my form right. I didn't care I was only benching the empty bar. Being older, you care less what people think of you. Anyone reading this, forget the idea people are looking at you laughing, they're really not. Everyone starts somewhere, and with me, an empty bar.

Last exercise, Barbell Row - 30kgs, as the plan says, no deviation. Did them all decently. Hopefully form being okay, but with a light weight excellent way to practice and get used to it.

I had finished - 30 minutes in total. I felt good. Okay not the heavy session you'd expect, but I maintained discipline, followed the plan, did what I needed to do. I realised this all takes time. 30 minute workout done, get home, eat up, get to work. Awesome.

As I bumped up the squat weight, the other exercises weights' had to be balanced out to match the plan accordingly. So in effect the last session of Week 1 is basically the first session of Week 3. In essence a week was skipped. I ended the week well and was comfortable with the weight, they were not heavy at all but I felt decent compromise was made. Again time will tell how quickly I stall further down the line, but at least I wasn't making a drastic jump as I foolishly did in my first day.

Okay, now this is the fun bit, and for you all (myself included) to have a giggle. The pictures. The weight. The body fat. At the start of this epic journey we need pictures to show progress, otherwise whats the point!!

Handsome dude
So above, not a true ectomorph, but not muscular either. And No chest, no biceps, no back muscles developed at all! Luckily I still had some shoulder definition from long ago, but in reality there is NO strength anyway. And I'm breathing in. Ha ha ha! You honestly think I'm going to put a picture up of a side profile of my pregnant belly. No chance!

Anyways, that's where i am now physically. My stats, 69kgs weight, 5'9", body fat apparently 13-14% using some fat callipers and measuring only the love handles. Muscular measurements, an unimpressive 12 inch arms (biceps), 22 inches legs (quads). Goal, lets be realistic, an inch increase in a years time? Fuck it, why not. That's my goal.  I have no idea what that translates to into weight increase, but lets see how it goes. The main thing at the moment, keep the calorie intake high, clean food, follow the work out plan, progressively increasing the weight each workout. Something has to happen right? Right????

Peace, need to drink my milk.

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